Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Huge thanks to Social Nature for these super interesting Breath Biotics lozenges. 
They are minty and refreshing and left my mouth feeling nice and clean. 
I'm not much of a gum chewer but I'm obsessed with mints, so I loved that the lozenges just melted away and I felt very fresh long after.  
Plus they're good for you! I like it!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Absolutely love coffee and trying new coffee drinks so I was soo excited to try this Kicking Horse Cold Brew Coffee! It was nice and cold so it was refreshing, and I feel you get more than usual pre-made coffee drinks, for a cheaper price. It's a bit stronger than I'm used to, but would get it again to try it in the recipes that were suggested or over ice with milk. I know it was unsweetened, but maybe a slightly sweeter version would be nice to try as well. I liked it, and am thinking about picking up they ground coffee to try it hot!